making a call on his new "cell phone"
in the middle of everything with his new hat!
merry christmas morning!
10:00AM - running a little behind schedule *already* we headed a few streets over to Grammy & Grandpa's!
The Grams swap babies.
And Landon loves on Ryder!
too cool.
3:00 pm - Next stop Greenville. Here we see all of my Grandmommie's brothers & sisters and families. Here's a pic of all the kids...
5:00 pm - Back to mesquite for #5 stop at Grandma's house! A little daddy time just before another meltdown! :)
But he perked right up to open more presents and got a super cool drum!
And finally- 7:30 PM- we headed to Nana's for a bittersweet Christmas evening. We got there just in time to hear the Christmas story & the poem. Then the babies took over... (Tyler & Ryder) - they kept trying to swap pacies.
Excited about his new Learn & Groove Music Table
giving mommy kisses!
my FAVORITE picture of the day. Still happy - way past bedtime!