Getting ready to go with Poppy & Mimi!
And then... SNOW. Yes, that's right, we had a real WHITE Christmas is Texas! It snowed all afternoon and by evening the ground was covered. It did melt Christmas morning once the sun came out, but I don't think I ever even remember a white Christmas.
Sweet Paisley Rose taking a little Christmas Eve nap with Poppy.
Ryder played in the paper after opening his first set of presents!
Paisley thanking Grandmommie for our christmas presents!
Christmas Eve Ryder started getting sick. He was in the bed with us at 1am screaming and that's when we knew something was up. He woke up coughing and congestion, but still happy - especially when he saw his LOOT... checking out his stocking stuff
Her first Christmas morning and the adorable stocking Mimi had for her!
Paisley's first Christmas present... a book about SHOES of course! In which I wrote, "To My Sweet Paisley Rose, May you have many cute shoe-filled Christmases ahead!"
And to follow that - Mimi & Poppy got her her first Stuart Weitzmans!
Ryder loved his new guitar with headphones!
Our little family. Even Rocky got in on this one!
Then we headed over to Grammy & Grandpa's! And Ryder was super surprised to see this...
Auntie Rachel & Auntie Sarah steal some Paisley time!
Paisley passed out, but she seemed to like her first Madame Alexander doll!
More presents with Grandpa!
Me & my little Princess!
And she chose Christmas morning to hold on to the first thing!
When we left we checked Ryder's temperature: 102. uh oh. This is where it starts getting ::rough:: So we headed to Grandma & Grandpa Williams. We opened presents there and the cousins got all wound up. Well, they were running around and Ryder ran and fell right into the corner of a chair. It swelled up immediately & I freaked out! He's a tough little guy and was laughing within minutes, so we knew he was ok.
right after it happened:
"Hmm... why'd I run into that chair?!?"
Grandma & Grandpa with the kiddos
Paisley's beautiful blanket Aunt Karen made!
Next we headed to my Grandma's. She's having a little chat with Paisley here:
I didn't get any pics of Ryder opening presents there because by this point he was looking (and feeling) a little rough with a fever of 103.8! One more stop left (that's #5 in case you're counting)! We headed over to Nana's to finish the night.
Sarah reading the Christmas story.
Paisley chills wit Grammy!
Ryder eating, "cackers" (pretty much the only thing he ate all day.)
Then it was present time and he regained some energy. Especially when he saw what Nana got him & Tyler... riding HORSES!
Little "Rider!"
He finished off the night strong and made it through it all... even saying, "Grammy" for the first time! We got back home and he just had to show off his new horse to Mimi & Poppy (with the guitar on of course!)
And since we're doing a mash-up of presents - Here's Daniel in his "high class snuggie" with Ryder's new hat & stick pony! I think that's the best way to end the day!!!
The day after Christmas Bridgette came to see us and meet Miss Paisley!
So Ryder continued to get sick and had to miss out on his extra time planned with the grandparents and make the trip back with us instead. I took him to the Dr. first thing yesterday and he has a nasty virus AND an ear infection... poor little dude. Now we are all feeling it a bit and trying to regroup & recoup for the new year! And THIS is what he looks like now:
We like to call this, "Ryder got run over by a reindeer!"
There you have it folks. Like I said, we Survived, barely.