So last night was a bit of a circus at our house. Ryder was a real whiny pants all day yesterday and by the time Daniel got home he was completely melting down! Meanwhile Paisley was on a SPIT-UP spree. She just kept spewing!!! At one point in the night we were trying to get her in her bath (because she had it all over her) and Daniel had run the bath water for Ryder and was filling up the baby tub. Then all of the sudden we hear Ryder just plop right into his bath... still fully clothed! ayyyyy. At that point we just busted up laughing. He has this look of "something's not right here?!?" little sister... all tuckered out from a long day.
We had a nice and uneventful weekend. We spent Friday night in out of the rain. We made a homemade pizza & caught up on our shows. Saturday we cleaned and got the house ready to put up Christmas stuff!!! I know it's early, but I want to enjoy it and don't want to have to put it all up in one night. We love sushi, but since I have been pregnant for a LOT of the past couple years we really haven't had it much and Ryder had never tried it. I am of the opinion that you should let your kids try everything thing even if you really don't think they will like it. I HATE when I hear mothers saying, "No, he won't like that," when it's something they've never tried! So on that note Saturday afternoon we went to 1/2 price sushi hour at this cute new place in the area and Ryder had his first sushi! Just a california roll, but he liked it (I think mainly because it had avocado - his favorite food ever!) He probably would have eaten more, but I wasn't willing to share much! :) Sister just watched :) But how cute is she?!? Then we strolled down to the yogurt shop. I might have blogged about it before, but we have a couple new yogurt shops in the area that are self serve and oh so cool!!! (I was pretty addicted toward the end of the pregnancy!) They have about 15 flavors and tons of toppings and you just pile on whatever you want. Plus most of the yogurt is non-fat or low-fat and some are sugar free! This place is called YoYo! Ryder tried to play a little guitar hero while we got our treat! mmm... happy boy!
Paisley Rose is 2 months old today. We had a Dr. appointment this morning. She had to get 5 shots, which broke my heart to see her scream like that! She is now 11 pounds 10 ounces and 22 inches long. The girl is growing! She is such a sweet baby. She really is changing daily right now. She's very, very alert and aware and smiles & coo's all the time. She's eating & sleeping great - one night this week she even went 8 hours straight! woo hoo!!! I took these pictures on Sunday. She wore this little dress to church. It was mine when I was her age. I thought it looked so sweet on her. And when I pulled out the camera she wouldn't stop smiling!!!
Yesterday morning we bundled up and went out to Kiddie Acres with Moms Club. It's a little amusement park for toddlers. It's been in Austin 30 years and is a cute little park- perfect for Ryder's age. Small, not too overwhelming, but several good things for him to ride. The boy is fearless... he went up to all the rides by himself and didn't even want to hold my hand! Here's little sister, ready to go! She actually slept through the whole thing! I kept her in the baby bjorn with me so I could easily chase after brother. Airplanes! Ferris Wheel! That's all of us in there. He's on a boat. He also rode little jeeps, a carousel, a big train AND... his first PONY! Just on here, checking him out. Petting the pony... And he likes it! How cute is this?!? We had a fun morning and will definitely go back soon!
So I know that we need a new title for our blog so that our new baby girl is included in that - I'm working on it. Just haven't decided exactly what I want to call it now. If you have a clever suggestion send it our way! On that note though... Paisley Rose. A lot of people have asked where we came up with the name and what it means. Well, I'd heard the name a few times. There were a couple people in Nashville that we heard had named a baby that and then I'd talked to my friend Bridgette about it (who'd named her cute little puppy that!) before I was even pregnant and mentioned that I loved it for a little girl. (I was pregnant the next week!!!) So anyway, what does it mean? Well, the design/print Paisley got its name because it was originally a woven design created in the 19th century in the area of Scotland named Paisley. The root of the word Paisley came from the Scottish derivative of the Greek word "basilica," which means, "church." So the meaning of the name Paisley is listed as, "church." I thought that was interesting because "Beth" means, "House of God." As for the "Rose" part, no it is not a family name. We just liked it with Paisley. I thought it was a nice, beautiful mix of old fashion & modern. So there you have it. Your history lesson for the day, plus some!
Yesterday morning we all slept in a little and enjoyed the morning at home together. Ryder helped make pumpkin pancakes from scratch... He loved it and REALLY loved eating them. Meanwhile little sister looked on & smiled from her nearby bouncy seat.
So we are finally out and about and on the move! We figured out the stroller thing... for now anyway. I feel like we may be buying and selling strollers as our lives evolve and kids grow over the next few years! We lucked out and found a double jogging stroller at a garage sale in the neighborhood for $40! Super cheap!!! It is huge and weighs like 45 pounds without kids in it, so it will probably stay in the garage and only go to outdoor things. So this is what we've been going to the park and on walks in and it is working great. Ryder climbs right in it and sometimes holds Paisley's hand, who I can already put little bit in with a little head support for her. We ended up just last week getting a sit and stand stroller. I like that I can put the baby carrier in it and Ryder is getting the hang of sitting in the front like a big boy and when he gets a little bigger he can stand on the platform. Today at the mall... We went to the mall today to go to the Inflatable Wonderworld. It's 1/2 off on thursdays and my moms club was going. Ryder loved it! He was hesitant at first, but once he got the hang of it he had a ball! One of the bouncy houses was an Sesame Street theme and Ryder just kept hugging the Elmo at the entrance! So sweet. When Daniel and I looked at that last picture we both said he looks so BIG!
Saturday we headed back to Austin this time with Mimi & Poppy and Grammy in tow! Daniel and his dad came from the deer lease and met us. All because today was little miss Paisley Rose's baby dedication at church. Here's the little precious all dressed up & ready... Praying for the babies. Yep, she slept through it all. With the grandparents- so glad they were there! My boys in their sweater vests! Sweet girl with her first Bible. It was a special day, glad we got to share it with family. Jesus bless this precious little girl and help us train & raise her to know and love you more every day of her life. I've prayed this for her since before she was born... may she live with grace, love with mercy, do justice & be kind to the world around her.
I headed to Dallas on Wednesday both kids & dog in tow!!! We'd all been a little sick, so it made for an interesting morning getting out the door and on our way - but I did it! The reason for this trip was to be there for Rachel's wedding. Daniel already had plans to go to the deer lease for opening weekend, so I decided to spend the extra days there with the fam. Wednesday night us girls took Rach out for a fun dinner at a mediterranean place on Greenville called Cafe Izmir which was awesome! Paisley joined in on her first "girls night" :) and she fit right in... The bride-to-be... Friday night was the wedding. It was at sunset by the lake and it was beautiful. I had the honor of singing and my daddy played guitar. Just married...
Boots! me & the bride :) Congrats Rachel & Jason!!!