The past week was pretty good. Things are getting a little easier and we are adjusting to this "2 under the age of 2" thing ok I guess! Paisley is apparently going through a little growth spurt and has been eating ALL night long. I'm talking every hour. So that has made for some long nights (and days) this week. I'm still not really supposed to be lifting Ryder for a couple more weeks so we're learning to adjust and teaching him to climb- things I may regret later as he's already learned how to climb on top of the dining room table- and has such a proud smile when he does it! We had some help from sweet church friends and MOMS club this week which was SO greatly appreciated!!! And then Thursday night Michelle came to meet Miss Paisley! She helped out a lot, let me get some rest and got me out of the house some too. She got a lot of quality time with Ryder who loves his "Auntie Shell." He cried and threw a fit when she left today! Michelle & Paisley It was a rainy, chilly weekend here - kinda yucky. But how can this little sweetie not make you smile!?! 3 Weeks old.
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