There's our little cupcake today. She's been much more alert this week, even smiling a little when she hears a voice. Still eating all night and giving us a run for our money, but that's what they are supposed to do right? Ryder had a little playdate today so Mommy got a much needed nap & some quality baby time. Tonight Daniel & I took our first family trip to costco with the "plus 2." (Mainly because Daniel knew I couldn't handle it on my own yet!) Daniel carried Paisley in the Baby Bjorn and pushed Ryder in the cart while I gathered our mass amounts of milk & eggs & such. At one point I went across the store to grab something I'd forgotten and as I walked back I saw Daniel patting the baby on him and talking to Ryder and I had this sudden moment of, "Oh my goodness - they are mine. How did we get here!?!" I mean that in a good way of course! It was just a feeling of disbelief that I'm married to a wonderful husband and have 2 precious little ones, and at the same time an overwhelming feeling of gratitude. I have to give props to Daniel, we've had some long nights in the past few weeks and he just keeps on giving and keeping me sane and taking care of everything that I just can't handle right now. On our way out of costco tonight he went back and grabbed these hydrangeas that I'd eyed as we walked by earlier...
love you babe, thanks for everything you do.
I thought you were keeping me sane :) Love you too babe...
Can't wait to kiss those sweet cheeks!!
awww :)
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