Saturday my friend Kristin threw me a baby shower for the girls at church.
The adorable cake!!
Me & the moms... we were in conversation here I think...
Me & Lori - we sing on the worship team together and are 3 weeks apart!
Thanks, Kristin, everything was so great! :)
The loot! I got lots of really sweet girly stuff of course! :)
On Sunday the girls at Starbucks had a shower for me! It was fun to actually all sit and talk together about something other than frappacinos or annoying customers! :)
yummy food of course... check out these antipasto skewers...
The amazing cake (and matching cupcakes) that my friend Laurel from MOMS club did! And it was Lemon! ;)
starbucks girls!
Opening Presents! I got more great stuff - plus diapers! :)
Me & my awesome friend Chris who hosted &put all this together! Thanks girls!!!
Beth, your friends are so sweet to do all this for you. You are blessed.....and so is baby girl.
YAY Beth! SO excited for you! You look beautiful...., and those cakes...., amazing!
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