me & rach
michelle & katey
Hayden & auntie Beth :)
playing with the new camera features!
michelle & me
So back in Austin.... Sunday BRIDGETTE came to visit. She was in Dallas visiting her mom and decided to drive on down and spend a night with us.
I hadn't seen her since February so she'd never met Ryder (except in my tummy!) He loved her of course. She asked him if he thought she looked like his mommy. (We always say we're long lost sisters!!)
Bridgette brought her little doggers and rocky thought he'd met the girl of his dreams, but it didn't really turn out that way!
Ryder- resting with some of his Christmas presents. The big puppy from Grammy & Grandpa and the "Brobbee" doll that I searched hard for!
Unfortunately Ryder & I both started feeling sick on Sunday and he had a temp of 103 for the next few days! Bridgette had to spend Monday at the pediatrician's office! Real fun visit, huh?! :( The dr said it was just viral and there was nothing either of us could really do. We're finally feeling better, but tired from some sleepless nights this week!
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