Sunday, November 23, 2008

It's a new season

Last night we WERE going to go to the Christmas tree lighting at the domain. Big out door event, light the tree, music, fireworks, shopping, etc. So we got all dressed in our warm, cute clothes, all ready, Christmas music in the car and everything, and we headed out. We get a couple miles from the domain and the traffic stops. We sit there for about an hour just trying to get to the area. uhhhggg. So finally we realize this is a bad idea. If we did even get in & parked we'd never get out. (I had no idea everyone in Austin was going!) So while driving around deciding what to do we saw a Freebird burrito - and that was it. We said, forget it let's just eat a burrito and call it a night! :) For all Ryder knew that's what we were going to do in the first place! Plus, we left Freebirds just in time to watch the fireworks. And unlike 4th of July when he fell asleep he was SO into these! As we were watching I found myself watching HIM and not the fireworks. I didn't even care to see the fireworks, I just wanted to see his reaction! It made me think about the coming holidays and how this year it's going to be all about watching him experience things for the first time. It's a new season... literally. So here are are at Freebird - Ryder has a new vest! :)

And this morning at church Ryder helped Daddy run sound while mommy sang- is this not the sweetest picture ever!?!

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