Tuesday, May 18, 2010


That would be how Ryder says, "water!" And yes, he says it a lot. Yesterday was our first water outing of the season. We met up with some Moms Club friends at the new section of the Domain where there is a big fountain and a yogurt shop (again, Ryder says, "ice ceeeeeam!") Ryder wasn't so sure at first... just like last year.
Scoping things out & watching his friends:

AND - he got wet. He did this for about 3 seconds, then followed with laughing & screaming!

And running & screaming.

And jumping... & screaming.

Sister sat like a big girl in the front of the stroller and watched & laughed.

One of his most favorite faces these days:

It was a fun morning and a good way to kick off the season of water ahead, many days like these to follow! And even better, he slept hard all afternoon. ;)

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