Here she comes... first one in!
Sarah & the proud parents :)
And the Grands.
Big Brother.
After the graduation Daniel & I called to check on the kids and they seemed to be perfectly fine, so we went and had a little time out to ourselves. We had a relaxing lunch at PF Changs, went to Borders, and even had yogurt at PINKBERRY (coming to Austin this summer FYI). Yum!!
It was a nice little break. The kids had fun with Poppy, so much fun that they didn't want to sleep. In the whole 7 hours Paisley slept about 30 minutes! haha.
That night we celebrated Sarah & Brooke's graduation with a fiesta with the whole family. Saturday I got a little sewing lesson from my mom... more on that later and even got a much needed time to catch up with my girls for a long leisurely dinner! It was a good little weekend and we were glad to be able to be there to celebrate Sarah's acheivement. She has been accepted to the NYU grad school of Journalism. She's still deciding & praying about it all- it's a huge thing even to be accepted there! No matter what, there are great things ahead!
Congrats, Sarah. We love you!
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