Grammy & Grandpa came to visit for the weekend & celebrate. Ryder just loves having company - He gets so excited!! He played hard and stayed busy entertaining the whole time.
Saturday night we went out to the domain to the new Gloria's for dinner. It was pretty yummy... or as Ryder decided to say, "Cool!" That's his new word - everything is cool. He stopped to ride the "cool" armadillo.
He also really enjoyed his quesadillas.
Little sister, just chillin and looking adorable. ;)
That afternoon I'd made a birthday cake using a recipe out of my Julia Child's cookbook. I made the chocolate almond cake. It was a small one layer cake (the french do things in moderation!) but it was pretty rich & delicious I thought. And I gotta give it to the woman - I have never had my egg whites whip up like this. She's a genius. I had to take a picture to have as proof...
So we came home after dinner to have some cake. Ryder was Oh SO excited about the cake, and yes I let him have chocolate cake & ice cream at 10pm! But isn't the look on his face worth it all!
(and yes, he's eating the powdered sugar off the counter, but daddy's responsible for that!)
Happy Birthday, Babe! We ALL love you SO much.
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