She is the sweetest, most calm baby. Nothing really phases her. Ryder screams, Rocky barks, music is loud, TV is blaring YO Gabba and not even a flinch. God knew what I needed, huh? I keep saying I don't wanna jinx it, but the child does not CRY! In the night she wakes up hungry and lets us know by moaning or grunting a little. I feed her, we change her, wrap her and put her back down and that's pretty much it. We haven't had to walk around, rock her, sing, play guitar, lay her down, hold your breath & tip toe away or anything... again, I don't wanna jinx it. I am fully aware that tonight she could change her mind and her temperament, but so far that part has been easy. The feeding part has not been so easy. For her, it's been fine - she's getting everything she needs, but causing me some major pain along the way... I'll spare you all the details and we'll just leave it at that. We are working on resolving this problem & hopefully things will get better SOON! I also forgot how crazy the combination of drugs (from the c-sec) and hormones combined make me feel.
Last week I had my mom here to help when we came home from the hospital, then Daniel's mom came on Wednesday to help the rest of the week. Then we decided it would be best if Ryder went back with the grandparents for a few days to help me recover from everything. The thing about having a c-section and a toddler is that I am not supposed to lift him AT ALL. Not to get in the high chair, not to get in and out of the bed, the car, my lap - anything. The hardest part of this to me is that I can't explain that to him when he is at my feet, arms lifted, screaming, "Mamma!" over & over! All that to say... he's with the Grands for a few days. I left him there in July for this very reason, but it didn't make it ANY easier for me this time. It was actually much harder, due to said "drugs & hormones!" Not for him though - he was LITERALLY dragging his bag to the door...
So I've been here alone with baby girl the past two days and despite all the anxiety I felt about it it's been good, relaxing and helping me recover, rest and get my mind back and focused on these 2 little blessings I've been entrusted with....
Gotta run, sleeping beauty will awake soon- and hungry I'm sure!