Paisley has two little teeth that have popped through on the bottom!
Ryder's vocabulary seems to be still exploding by the day. He keeps us cracking up at things he sees and says. My favorite is that for some reason he doesn't say, "Rocky," but instead has re-named him, "Rodney!" haha. And he has a little bible story book that he refers to as his "Bible!" One day last week I asked him who was in his Bible (thinking he would say, "lions, rahhr" or something along those lines...) instead he said in the sweetest little voice, "God." "Yes," I said, "That is RIGHT." (We'll get into the theological answer that God is in his heart not his Bible later!!) So precious and again I am surprised, that he IS listening to us :) And lastly, this is day two of the PACIFIER stand-off and we're doing good. One full night and nap down with NO paci!
We have a VERY exciting week ahead and LOTS to look forward to!!!