Well, it looks like if baby boy doesn't decide to make his arrival before then, next Thursday, April 3rd will be the day! I guess I'll actually go in Wednesday night sometime and they will get things started...we'll see, but that is the plan as of now.
AND... I make no promises- pregnant women maintain the right to change their minds- but as of now we've named him Ryder.
Today is the first day of SPRING! Although you would never know based on recent weather. It was a record high of 90 degrees last week one day, then it dropped and almost snowed, then the rain came through and drenched things. But today I guess the beautiful 60 degrees is right in line with the coming of SPRING. I might just have to get out of the house and enjoy it before I loose my mind on the couch! :) At least from the couch I can look at our beautiful back yard and this gorgeous tree by the window... (I have had nothing to do with the beautification of this yard... but hope to in the future).
Monday I went back to the doctor and they said my blood pressure was down a little and I don't have to be in bed. I do need to take it easy and keep my feet up a good amount of the time to keep it down and keep the swelling down, but I don't have to be IN bed, which is a relief. I know bed rest sounds fun in theory, but after a couple movies, a few hours on the computer & getting completely caught up on celebrity gossip & CNN I'm about done with that! (I know those 2 things don't go together but I actually like watching CNN for some reason these days and enjoy following all the political happenings, maybe a blog on all that is coming soon.)
My mom came down for a couple days this week. She brought the rest of the nursery stuff she made which looks AMAZING- (can't wait to post pics!), and she brought groceries and cooked a bunch of meals to stock my freezer with and then Tuesday we spent the day running some errands. We did the normal stops these days... Target, Babies R Us, Hobby Lobby, Michaels and then we had lunch, coffee & pedicures! Good day, much needed.
This week seems nothing like Easter to me. I don't know what it normally feels like since Easter is so crazy from year to year- from going home, to having company, to being at church for 40 hours in a week it seems like it varies, but something about this year feels odd. I'm not doing all the church music stuff this year because I just can't handle it right now, so that's kinda sad, but Daniel will be there doing sound all weekend, so I better find a craft or a friend, huh? :)
I've been doing a lot of "wondering" these days. I wake up wondering what life will be like this time next year or even this time next month! I wonder if I'll have a smooth labor, I worry about all the possibilities, but then today I just woke up wondering what he'll look like??? Will he just look like a "baby" when he's born. I've told the family if he's a crazy looking baby they don't have to lie and say he's precious... let's be honest, some babies are NOT cute! :) But beyond a baby... will he be short like me, will his daddy even that out? Will he have big ears like daniel did when he was little!?! ha! :) Will he have the suspected blue eyes that we do, or will he randomly have green or brown eyes? These are the things I'm wondering today...
This weekend was Baby Shower round 3! Again I say - We are SO blessed! The amazing ladies from church headed up by my sweet friend Dana gave us a wonderful shower here. Everything was so beautiful! The hostesses: Dana, Elizabeth, Crystal, Susan & Wanda went way overboard, the food, the flowers, the house, the ladies, everything was perfect!
Lots of yummy food...

Some fun shower games...
And lots of presents...

My parents came down for the weekend so my mom could be at the shower and while we were there Daniel & my dad tiled the guest bathroom floor - one more home renovation project down! We also made an IKEA trip (or as I like to call it a trip to the fair)! We got a chair for the baby room there and got more of the baby room together...pics to come soon, I promise. So I think that's our last super busy weekend before baby's arrival. Even Easter is going to be LOW key this year unless baby boy decides he wants it to be his birthday! ha! :)
Well, I'm off to rest more and get ready for my 2 last days of "the bucks" for a good while!! yippee...
I went for my 36 week check up today. After seeing my swollen feet and checking my too high blood pressure I was told to go home and go to bed! They said I can finish the 2 days of work at the end of the week, but that's it. (I'd planned to have next week as my last full week of work.) They also decided to do a little spontaneous sonogram to check in on the little guy and see how he was measuring - WELL, he's measuring alright! At the end of the sono the nurse said, "Well, he's 7 pounds 10 ounces," and I said, "Oh you mean, when I deliver that's what he should be?" and she said, "Nope, that's how much he weighs right now!" And I said..."I think I might cry." At this point he should gain a 1/2 pound per week till the end - meaning by the end he should weigh 9 pounds 10 ounces - hopefully THAT won't be the case! That being said, they told me that if I don't have him in 3 weeks they will likely induce. So I guess the countdown in on... but it may be slow going from the bed...