Sunday, June 16, 2013

A loving Father

This morning at the end of worship Pastor Morgan prayed for a couple and he said to the lady that she was missing a "nearness" with God.  That she felt distant from God because of the actions and model set before her by her own earthly father.  As I listened and watch this woman begin to weep it hit me like a flood on this Father's Day why I so easily trust my God.  Why I so freely take Him at His word.  
So many women have deep rooted trust issues with God because they've not seen that in their Daddy.  They've not seen him come through again & again for them.

I trust because I've seen that in a father.  I've had the best example of a loving father a girl could ever dream of.  A father who has loved me through thick & thin.  Been my biggest hero & my biggest encourager.  My biggest fan & strengthening challenger.   My loving rebuker yet standing with arms of grace.  Grace... Underserved & unearned.
My trust in my gracious heavenly Father this turbulent, stormy year came so naturally because I had that modeled in my earthly father from as early as I can remember.  And he's never stopped.  
My daddy's love never gives up on me.  How much more does the heavenly Father love us and pour out his blessings on us? (Matthew 7)

We went on to sing the words to My Chains Are Gone, "The Lord has promised good to me.  His word my hope secures.  He will my shield & fortress be as long as life endures..." I reflected on singing those very words at my Papaw's funeral with my daddy a few short years ago.  Little did I know on this Father's day several years later he may be singing with my baby boy.  

The other day in the store Ryder asked about his other great grandfathers.  I reminded him Grandaddy, Papaw and Papa were in heaven.  He smiled and asked how we could get them a Father's Day card.  :)   After a few minutes he relented that being with Gibson would be a good Father's Day for them. 

Yes it would.

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