Trying to make it through the 4 hours at the airport waiting on our plane to finally arrive...
We finally got into Nashville at almost midnight. Ryder napped off & on and did pretty good considering the time and then was of course wide awake when we got to Kirsten & Todd's house! Friday morning we got up and had pictures taken by the amazing Kelli Trontell. (Click on her name & check out her blog!) She's a friend from Spring Hill that does really creative photography. We met her at the Nashville library downtown which was great. We've only see a few but I know she got some really cool pics, and they will be posted soon! We ate lunch at Baha Burrito - one of our Nashville faves and then I went to the studio to hang out with Kirsten and sit in on a little Carrie Underwood session. She was sweet, has a truly amazing voice and even looked at the blog and said Ryder was cute! :) Friday night Ryder & Daniel met back up with us after a nap and we all headed over to Mafiosos to meet Robert & Heather and their girls for dinner. After dinner we went to Krave for a treat where the kids ran wild!
Ryder chilling with Heather:
Hadley & Ryder looking at the yogurt probably!
Hadley - Is she not the cutest little thing ever!?! I just wanna squeeze her!
And the adorable, 3 year old Ellie!
Ryder - already being rejected from his girlfriend!
Saturday morning was the baby shower for Kirsten - and baby boy! (The main reason we made the trip!!) Kirsten is due August 19th, so we are a little over a month apart! I was so excited and felt extremely blessed to be able to be there and be a part of her shower. It was really sweet, there was great food and fun girls and she got a lot of great stuff!
Here's the mommy-to-be ready to be showered!
The AMAZING cake that Sarah did.
Us hot mommas!
Erin & Kirsten
So much cute stuff!
The hostesses & our mommy of honor with her gift.
The six pregnant girls! In order of due date! :)
Saturday night we went to Whit & Sarah's Wedding. Whit is a friend from college who Daniel became close friends with when they lived on the same floor freshman year. Whit was in our wedding and though we haven't kept in close touch the last few years we were so glad to be there to see him get married! (Although I saw maybe 60 seconds of the actual wedding! Daniel saw it while I was outside chasing Ryder around the church!) The reception was at The Factory in Franklin. This is when the "accidents" of the weekend started... as we'd just gotten into the reception, we were standing in line and they were at that moment announcing the new couple into the room when Ryder falls mouth first onto the concrete floor busting his lip & gums which started pouring blood! He's tough though and after a few minutes in the lobby to recoup he was fine. I also MUST mention that on the way to the wedding Ryder discovered there is a hole in his nose just the right size for his finger to fit in! So the whole night I'm trying to get him to stop his new and interesting habit - picking his nose!
Back to the reception... the Happy Couple!
cute Daddy & Rydie! :)
Us - dressed up all in one piece! :)
And then this happened...he's out! :)
Whit & Daniel (& Ryder passed out below!)
Sunday morning we went to church in Spring Hill and got to see some of the people we miss so much! It was great to visit them at their new church, Southview Community and see what God is doing there! On our way out of church accident #2 happened when Ryder fell head first onto the ground and got a big knot on his forehead! Again, he took it like a champ!
We then went to meet Kara, Nathan & Aiden for lunch in cool springs!
The boys lunching together...
Mommas & their boys!
Group shot!
On the go... look, he's RUNNING now.
The dads herding the boys!
The best we could get of these little active dudes together!
Sunday night we went to dinner at Maggianos with Todd & Kirsten and Zak & Erin.
The guys entertaining Ryder while we wait... yes, he has my necklace on.
And Ryder entertaining us & everyone else around...
So Sunday was also Father's day! Ryder drew his first picture in the nursery for his "dada" that morning! And it is impressive, let me tell you! :) And even though it wasn't a normal holiday and we didn't get to see our own Dads we got to spend the whole day together as a family and with other dad and dad-to-be friends!
He loves you SO much, Daddy!
Monday morning we got to go see Kirsten & Todd's new house they'll be moving into this week. While there accident #3 happens... Ryder is running from room to room and suddenly I see blood on the wall and he's somehow grabbed the air vent in the floor and cut his hand! Ahh... the joys of a baby on the go! :)
We headed back Monday night, all in all we had a great trip and were so glad we got to go. It is definitely a different world traveling with a 1 year old for sure! Whew... I feel like I need a vacation now! ha! On the plane to head home... he was watching the plane take off and waving "bye-bye" to Nashville!