Well, I've made it through the dreaded first tri-mester. The little bambino in my tummy is 12 weeks along now, growing by the minute and about the size of a lime at the moment. Everyone keeps asking how I'm feeling and I keep saying, "TIRED!" I don't remember being this tired with Ryder... but then again I didn't have Ryder to chase after then either! I have been sick off and on and have already had some cravings - but different than with Ryder. With him I could eat olives out of the jar at 8 in the morning (yuk!) but this time I've wanted sour things - like waking up wanting to bite into a lemon - that sort of thing! I have wanted hamburgers and Shake's chocolate malts but have a only given in a couple times! :) And have actually been craving more fruits and veggies than before. I've sworn I will not gain 65 pounds this time!!! There I said it out loud - you are all my witnesses!
I went to the Dr. last week and the heartbeat was a strong 156 and my blood pressure was down (yay!). And some how I'd managed to lose 5 lbs in the past month. Although I told them I thought their scale was WRONG.
8 more weeks and we'll find out if we continue with blue or switch to pink...
I don't know if I should say, "This is why I should have a girl this time!" or, "This is why I should not have a girl!?!" This was last week one day and he kept grabbing at my scarf so I finally just put it on him - and apparently he liked it! He kinda looks like a scary cross between a clip for the show "Toddler & Tiaras" and a baby version of Jack Sparrow!